Saturday, August 11, 2007

I went to the vet to get tutored!

While Lori and I were on vacation we boarded CC at the local vet, and neutered her. She got her stitches out today. (And despite all of this vet-related trauma she still loves the car and thinks the vet is a dog park. She has a very optimistic personality.)

Just when her fur had grown back, they shaved it off again!

"What? You brought the dog back??"

This is how I learned that an unsupervised dog who likes the dig, left in the back yard with the sprinkler on, is not a good idea.

We had started to crate-train CC before her trip to the vet, but after a week of boarding she was pretty much used to it. This works out well for us...the sun-room isn't air conditioned, so we didn't have a good place to keep her when we wanted to go out and it was hot out.

"I'm in jail!"

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