Saturday, June 09, 2007

Curtains and Bushes

Lori's parents came down to DC this week for Zemer Chai's "Shalom y Esperanza" concert. Whenever they visit, serious work gets done on the house.

My mother made us curtains last fall as part of our redoing the living room. Finally this weekend we put them up!

Lori's parents also did a lot of work in the garden...unfortunately the bushes in front of the house died in the hot dry weather last summer. We bought two Azalia's and two Japanese Holly and put them in. That monster next to the car is the left over stump from a dead bush that we had to dig out. It's about a foot in diameter and ways more than you can imagine.

We also put some herbs into the backyard garden. Unlike our last herb garden (which actually did pretty well), we're watering it. We have rabbits in the back yard so there may not be much left for us.

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